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Credit Risk
Quickly explain the difference between the standardized approach and internal ratings-based (IRB) approach to credit risk under the EU's Capital Requirements Directive?
EBA Climate Stress Testing
How does the EBA conduct climate stress testing to assess the resilience of financial institutions against economic shocks and adverse market conditions?
Model Development
Write a Python script for compound interest calculation for a portfolio of loans with different interest rates and maturities.
You can even ask a question in your own language:
Spiegare rapidamente la differenza tra l'approccio standardizzato e l'approccio basato sui rating interni (IRB) al rischio di credito ai sensi della direttiva sui requisiti patrimoniali dell'UE?
Erklären Sie schnell den Unterschied zwischen dem Standardansatz und dem auf internen Ratings basierenden (IRB) Ansatz für das Kreditrisiko gemäß der Eigenkapitalrichtlinie der EU.
Selitä nopeasti EU:n pääomavaatimusdirektiivin mukaisen luottoriskin standardoidun lähestymistavan ja sisäisten luokitusten (IRB) lähestymistavan ero?
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